mhs boxsysteme

Tour facts
- German
- 60 min.
- 9 - 25 persons
- children from 1 years of age
- free admission up to 17 years of age
€ 7.00 for adults - partially barrier-free
About mhs boxsysteme
Box systems for installation technology
In 1995, Alois Mochart developed the first box system for the installation technology. All components necessary for pipe installations in heating and sanitary areas were integrated in ready-to-install boxes. For the installation technology, this invention meant a new state of the art, which brought enormous time gain as well as an increase in installation quality. Through the standardized execution of the boxes, most sources of error disappeared and due to the technical and economic advantages, the mhs systems soon became successful. Today, about 25 percent of all installations are done with box systems.
Convinced of the potential of his system, Alois Mochart founded a company, which dealt exclusively with the development and production of installation boxes. In 2003, mhs moved to the business park in Stainz, where a modern production site war build. In 2012, the production space was extended. At the same time, the so-called “mhs UFO“ was build, an architectural eye-catcher, which impressively conveys the company’s innovation power.
In many companies, the goal is to be economically successful. At mhs it is different: With its ideas and products, the company wants to contribute to a healthy water supply and a high-quality living environment for human beings.
Living environment water
Have you ever asked yourself how healthy drinking water comes out of your tap? Which processes are behind it? But also who are the people behind these production processes? Visitors are invited to a trip to the substance that is the basis of our life as well as the entire environment. Sensual experiences, exciting phenomena and surprising connections are waiting. The experience tour starts with the exhibition “I am water”. In this first part, visitors are familiarized with the topic water, they can try, taste, feel and learn. They grasp the value of water as an important food and understand how crucial it is to preserve its quality. The company’s products are presented as problem solvers and components of a sustainable and safe house installation and visitors are made aware of its economic advantages.
The second part of the tour leads the group to the company’s production area, where visitors can look over the shoulders of the workers and watch the development of installation components. mhs’s commitment to quality is made transparent from step to step. The living area at the end of the tour invites to relax and feel the most important customer benefits: vitality, safety, saving of costs and sustainability.
The seal of quality was awarded on 15 July 2016.
Experience tours:
- Monday to Thursday from 7.30 am to 4.30 pm and Friday from 7.00 am to noon by appointment
- group reductions on request
- school classes up to 25 persons: € 40,-
- car and bus parking available