Obersteirische Molkerei


Tour facts

  • German
  • 70 - 90 min.
  • 5 - 50 persons
  • children from 5 years of age
  • € 5.50 up from 6 to 14 years of age
    € 11.00 form 14 years of age
  • not barrier-free
Tour buchen

About Obersteirische Molkerei

Not every milk is the same

Not every milk is the same. In the OM Milk Experience World, visitors learn how milk from 100% mountain area is transformed into first class products. Walk the “Path of the Milk” and explore the secrets behind the production of the world’s best cheese specialties. Learn, how healthy livestock influences the milk’s quality and what makes OM’s milk unique.

Since 1930, the headquarter of the dairy factory is located in Knittelfeld. In Kapfenberg fresh milk is processed and in 2014, a cheese maturing center is added in Spielberg. OM belongs to Austria’s top 10 dairy factories. About 1,500 famers with an average farm size of 12 to 14 milk cows, produce about 160 million liter of milk per year. The catchment area of the OM reaches from Murau to Mürzzuschlag. Farmers from this region supply the raw milk for the valuable OM products. The feed’s quality, the duration of the pasture grazing, the unspoiled nature – all of these aspects influence the cows’ health and thus the quality of the raw milk. From the OM milk farmers the milk’s quality originates. Therefore, we count on the intensive cooperation with the farmers. Farmers cultivate a large part of the agricultural land. Thus, dairy cattle farming guarantees the preservation of an unspoiled and diverse natural and cultivated landscape. Nature then again is the basis for healthy, high-quality food. A perfect cycle!

OM is proud of its decade-long cheese competence and excellence. Bestseller like the internationally award-winning “Erzherzog Johann” (several awards at the World Championship Cheese Contest) or the regional specialty “Steirer Käse”, are known across the Austrian borders.

The milk's path - from cow to carton

In the OM experience world, visitors explore the fascinating "Path of the Milk“ from cow to carton or to further processing. Not every milk is the same, which is proven by the many different kinds of milk. OM processes different kinds of milk 100% from mountain areas: from GMO-free milk to organic hay milk. Learn what a cow performs on a daily basis and what OM makes out of it. An average OM cow provides about 19 liters per day, which provide 19 l milk, 4 packages of butter, 1.8 l cream, 4kg curd, 2 kg cheese or 22 kg fruit yoghurt. From the milking of the cow, the path of the milk leads to single-origin delivery and laboratory tests, quality controls, separating, pasteurizing and packaging or further processing to yoghurt, curd, butter or cheese.

In the OM experience world, visitors learn about the individual processing steps and about terms such as ESL milk and gentle treatments such as microfiltration. In addition, they are shown what milk can do for their health and how valuable milk is for daily nutrition. Immerse yourself into the secrets of cheese production! What happens with the milk during cheese production, how does one determine the variety and the fat content and for how long does a cheese have to mature? At the sample tasting, your learn everything about OM’s cheese expertise and can enjoy all the many different varities of cheese.

The seal of quality was awarded on 18 November 2016. 


Experience tours:

  • guided tours supported by videos
  • from Monday to Saturday between 9am and 5.30pm by appointment
  • please book tours at least one week in advance
  • car and bus parking available
  • group rates for schools: € 5.50 per person


Experience tour

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