Strobl Bau - Holzbau


Tour facts

  • German
  • 60 min.
  • 5 - 20 persons
  • children from 6 years of age
  • free admission
  • barrier-free
Tour buchen

About Strobl Bau - Holzbau

High quality in the building industry known far beyond the national borders

For more than 50 years Strobl Bau – Holzbau has been a stable employer with lots of experience in apprenticeship training. As a fast growing family business, the company constantly employs about 250 skilled workers. Strobl Bau – Holzbau is known as an innovative quality brand in the building sector with a high relevance for Styria's economy. The opening of the company and the presentation of production processes enables visitors to increase their knowledge of the building industry's working methods. At the same time, the presentation aims at raising awareness for a sustainable use of resources.

Exploring what is behind the facade

Visitors are cordially invited when Strobl Bau – Holzbau opens its doors and makes deep insights possible – for instance into the nature of wood and its characteristics. But also buildings and solid construction as well as hybrid construction are presented in an interesting way and literally made tangible. Thus, visitors from various age groups can learn from the regionally influential company. In addition, the presentation inspires confidence in the work and performance of an experienced project partner and strong employer.

The seal of quality was awarded on 5 October 2018.


Experience tours:

  • from March to November by appointment
  • car and bus parking available

Experience tour

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The seal of qualityGütesiegel
A project ofcis
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