

Tour facts

  • German & English
  • 60 min.
  • on request
  • from 1 year of age
  • free admission
  • partially barrier-free
Tour buchen

About Niceshops

A lot of sustainability in stock

Visitors to the experience tour are given an impressive insight behind the scenes of the Styrian online retailer. Around 2.5 million items are stored in the 33,000 m2 logistics center in Saaz. The product segment ranges from 3D printers, natural cosmetics, food, swimming pools, e-bikes and pet supplies to interior and garden products. On peak days, up to 15,000 parcels are shipped, primarily to European markets. During the experience tour, you will learn exciting details about the complex logistics processes behind the scenes - and how around 1.2 million active customers are served in up to 16 languages.

Nice Vibes

In addition to its expertise in e-business, niceshops is known for its exceptional corporate culture and the way it treats people as equals. Among other things, employees enjoy a swimming pool, a beach volleyball court and a wonderful garden in front of the company entrance, flexible working time models, massages, dogs in the office, ...
In addition, niceshops stands for exemplary ecological measures. Zero plastic is used in the packaging. Around half of the electricity required is generated by the company's own photovoltaic system on the roof. The huge building complex in Saaz is heated and cooled using waste heat from the neighbouring farmer's biogas plant.

The seal of approval for an excellent adventure tour was awarded on 1 October 2019.


Experience tours:

• By appointment

• Car and bus parking available

Experience tour

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The seal of qualityGütesiegel
A project ofcis
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