
Tour facts

  • English & German
  • 90 min.
  • mind. 10 persons
  • children from 12 years of age
  • free admission
  • partially barrier-free
Tour buchen


It’s plain logical – KNAPP Logistics.

KNAPP AG in Hart bei Graz is a world leader in warehouse logistics and warehouse automation. Established in 1952, this company is a true pioneer, with many achievements under its belt, especially in the pharmaceuticals branch: KNAPP AG was the first in the world with a special conveyor system for pharmaceutical wholesalers back in 1960. Since then, half of all warehouses for the highly sensitive and specialised pharmaceuticals branch have been planned and implemented by this remarkable enterprise. Its capability has made the company a trusted partner of cosmetics, optical and office supplies industries, as well as of publishers and retail chains. They all maximize the speed and efficiency of their business with the support of KNAPP logistics and conveyor systems. This enterprise is a true global player: and this is clear from its many busy branches around the globe.

The World of Logistics

Our visitors love our fast-paced tour of the world of logistics. It is amazing what you experience from the perspective of a transport container, as it passes through a logistics system; and you can follow the extraordinary success story of our company on the video wall. Finally our experience tourists can have a go at managing the incredible world of logistics that is behind everything we use in our daily lives. The tour ends with a 360 degree movie to futuristic-logistic music.

The seal of quality was awarded on 19 October 2011.


Experience tours:

  • Monday to Thursday from 8 am to 4 pm, Friday from 8 am to 12.30 pm
  • car and bus parking available


Experience tour

Erleben Sie die Wirtschaft hautnah bei KNAPP

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The seal of qualityGütesiegel
A project ofcis
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