Trachtenmode Hiebaum


Tour facts

  • German
  • 60 min.
  • 10 - 60 persons
  • children from 3 years of age
  • € 3.00
  • partially barrier-free
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About Trachtenmode Hiebaum

Young, traditional, Styrian

Every year, the traditional Styrian fashion specialist Hiebaum turns 200,000 metres of cloth into the finest clothing. This company at Studenzen in the Styrian Vulkanland employs over 50 highly skilled people who finish the clothing to handwork perfection and they can work on up to 300 items at a time. Dirndl dresses, suits or Archduke Johann frock coats – every item goes through a rigorous inspection before going on to the generously dimensioned 350 square metres salesroom. A speciality of ours is the traditional Vulkanland costume, which we designed and developed ourselves to reflect the colour, strength and character of our region. Apart from the booming Austrian market, we also supply costume experts everywhere in Europe and have over 300 customers in this sector.

We created our experience world “Costumes and Tradition” in the heart of the Vulkanland region and it has become a major attraction here. The multimedia tour takes visitors on a voyage of discovery, where they have the chance to find out about the fine Styrian cloth, examine and feel its quality and learn about the interplay of form and colour in the cut and the finishing of traditional clothes. Hiebaum is an open design house and brings visitors directly to where the fine garments are made. A fascinating experience. From our innovative cutting department to the precision and detail – you can watch our designers, tailors and dressmakers work on authentic new fashion designs and clothing collections.

The seal of quality was awarded on 23 September 2011.


Experience tours:

  • from 9 am to 2 pm, Friday from 9 am to 12 noon by appointment
  • the entry ticket can also be used as a voucher in our shop
  • car and bus parking available

Experience tour

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The seal of qualityGütesiegel
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