AHT Cooling Systems


Tour facts

  • English & German
  • 60 - 90 min.
  • 3 - 20 persons
  • children from 10 years of age
  • free admission
  • partially barrier-free
Tour buchen

About AHT Cooling Systems

More freshness in the world

Over the past three decades, AHT has established itself as a world market leader for cooling appliances. The production works are in the Styrian home base Rottenmann, in Changshu China and in Navegantes Brazil. In addition a worldwide distribution network takes care of refrigerator and deep freezer sales in over 70 countries around the globe. AHT invests permanently in research, technology and innovation. Furthermore, this company has a deeply rooted environmental awareness that has been an important part of the company’s approach since the very beginning: manufacturing technologies that conserve resources are used for production and all the devices are free of FCKW or other gases that damage the ozone layer. All products also have a high recycling standard and the RPM speed controlled compressors mean that the appliances make energy savings of up to 50%.

Cool ideas

Much of our daily food comes from the deep freezer. It is fascinating to find out all about this on the experience tour – how deep freezing is possible in the first place and how the appliances are made that keep our food fresh – our visitors discover all of this on our specially equipped visitor production line. Our visitors get to know about it all first-hand - how the sheet steel is shaped and punched, how the appliance bodies are foamed and the cooling coils installed. On top of this, we provide important tips on how to save resources and care for the environment. We also show how AHT emerged successfully as the world’s first supplier of cooling and deep freeze appliances using the environmentally friendly coolant propane.

The seal of quality was awarded on 16 May 2012.



  • from Januray to June and from September to December by appointment 
  • sturdy shoes must be worn!
  • car and bus parking available

Experience tour

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