
Tour facts

  • German
  • 90 min.
  • 5 - 25 persons
  • children from 12 years of age
  • free admission
  • partially barrier-free
Tour buchen

About AVI

Innovative concrete enforcement with tradition

Already in 1949 AVI developed the first standardised construction steel grid programme in Europe. Building on this pioneer work new products are constantly developed and produced. Today, innovation within the company focuses equally on the product and the service range. The use of new material and the strong focus on individuality and solution orientation, make AVI a strong and forward-thinking partner of the construction industry.

The performance portfolio comprises of two main areas: On the one hand classic enforcement products such as spacers for trade and bending part producers, on the other hand technically sophisticated products for concrete-processing industries and construction companies. Moreover, the realisation of individual customer-specific solutions, logistics as well as technical consultation are amon AVI's central fields of activity.

Leading in concrete enforcement

The tour starts with a film about  AVI. Then, the visitors are led across the vast company premises. During the tour the machine park as well as the individual production processes are presented. At 11 tour stops information points have been installed, which can be easily identified by large sculptures and wall installations made out of AVI products.

The seal of quality was awarded in 15 October 2015.


Experience tours:

  • from Monday to Friday by appointment
  • sturdy shoes must be worn!
  • meeting point: AVI plant entrance

Experience tour

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The seal of qualityGütesiegel
A project ofcis
land steiermarksfgwkoindustrie