Spring Components


Tour facts

  • German
  • 90 min.
  • 1 – 20 persons
  • children from 1 year of age
  • free admission
  • barrier-free
Tour buchen

About Spring Components

Springs and bent parts production in 3rd generation

Since 1945 Ing. Hugo Sampl has been producing springs and bend parts and thus is specialised on every kind of processing and shaping of wire and strips. Springs accompany our daily life mostly unnoticed. A normal door lock for example contains 50 springs. From aviation industry to automotive and agricultural technology to everyday applications such as computer keyboards, coffee machines or soap dispensers - everywhere springs are needed. Thereby, the right material and the correct implementation is key. Thus, at Ing. Hugo Sampl innovation and customized developments are constantly workd on. Precision tools and prototypes are made in Gußwerk and exportet worldwide. Understanding, what the client needs and meeting these requirements in an exact and high quality way are among the company's decisive success factors. Moreover, the high customer orientation is reflected in the fixed delivery time of only five workings days, which is performed in teams supported by a sophisticated work management model. At Ing. Hugo Sampl oen is convinced, that the success of a company mainly depends on the people behind it.

Explore a variety of machines

During the experience tour, the heart of the production, the material storage with various wires and strips as well as the machine park comprising of about 60 different machines is presented. Among them is a machine, which was constructed and built by Ing. Hugo Sampl's grandfather. It is still working and was lovingly restored for the experience tour. Besides the historical overview on how everything began, the focus of the tour lies on the present: state of the art machines perform precision work for numerous sectors and renowned clients.

The seal of quality was awarded on 16 October 2015.


Experience tours:

  • by appointment
  • car and bus parking available

Experience tour

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The seal of qualityGütesiegel
A project ofcis
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