
Tour facts

  • German/English on request
  • 90 min.
  • max. 15 persons
  • children from 10 years of age
  • free admission
  • partially barrier-free
Tour buchen

About AT&S

Welcome to the AT&S world of experience

The Styrian top group with a global presence in China, India, Korea and Malaysia, is one of the world's leading suppliers of pioneering connection technologies. IC substrates and high-quality printed circuit boards from AT&S are used in all areas of life. Accompany us on a journey into the digital world of tomorrow.

Experience the digital future today

The world of experience gives our visitors an overview of AT&S technologies and products – complex high-tech applications are are explained in a clear and understandable way. In the fast-paced 3D simulation flight, you experience a flight through a printed circuit board before the tour leads towards production. Feel the vision of a valuable and liveable future with innovative products from AT&S. Experience our enthusiasm, curiosity and passion for microelectronics
for microelectronics and take new experiences home with you.

The seal of approval for an excellent experience tour was awarded on December 13, 2023.


Experience tours

  • For groups of 15 people or more or school/student groups, please contact us using the contact form on the website
  • Visitor parking is available

Experience tour

Erleben Sie die Wirtschaft hautnah bei AT&S

To booking
The seal of qualityGütesiegel
A project ofcis
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