Malli Ziegelfertighaus


Tour facts

  • German
  • 60 min.
  • max. 20 persons
  • children from 6 years of age
  • free admission up to 18 years of age
    € 5.00 for adults
  • barrier-free
Tour buchen

About Malli Ziegelfertighaus

The housing specialist

In 1992 Siegfried Malli started building houses for families. Today he employs 50 people and together they turn out around 100 solid brick prefabricated houses a year. These fine homes are all true to his motto “we leave you time for living” because Malli takes care of everything. All the many aspects of creating a dream home of one’s own that consume so very much time in life – from official permits and public authority transactions all the way through construction to interior decoration. Especially interesting for all house builders here is that there is a guaranteed fixed price and a fixed date when they can move into their new home.

On this experience tour, visitors see for themselves how a prefabricated house is transformed from a collection of bright ideas to an inviting home, where the intruder alarm is being installed ready for the new occupants. One of the highlights is seeing the production of the wall elements in one of Austria’s most modern brick wall machines. The “sensory room” is another big attraction on the tour. Here the cycle of the traditional elements – earth, water, air and fire – illustrates how bricks are produced. It also explains the big part bricks play in providing a healthy living climate for the home.

The seal fo quality was awarded on 2 may 2013.


Experience tours:

  • from February to July and from September to November, every Thursday at 3 pm and also by appointment
  • car and bus parkign available
  • the entry fees are donated to a regional charity project

Experience tour

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The seal of qualityGütesiegel
A project ofcis
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