Genussgut Krispel


Tour facts

  • English & German
  • 45 – 120 min.
  • on request
  • children from 1 year of age
  • free admission up to 16 years of age
    Prices can be found in the respective tour options
  • partially barrier-free
Tour buchen

About Genussgut Krispel

Gourmet tour - Follow your taste

Family is the highest good. That is also the secret of the Krispel family business Krispel. Through shared work a small company, which sold its products directly from the farm, became a model company with 16 employees, which internationally exports its gourmet products and is known beyond the borders of the country. Father Toni laid the foundation; son Stefan leads the company into the future. Family, warmth, a zest for life and a sense for enjoyment - you feel all of these when you enter the Genussgut Krispel.

Adventurer tour - Exploring individually chosen tour stops

Start at the "Schweinerei", where visitors closely experience the great life of the wooly pigs. You follow the grape's path from the vineyard to the bottled wine - from the press house to the steel tank cellar and the filling machine. Learn interesting facts about the various maturation storages and the worldwide unique process to mature pork and wine in basalt troughs. And when the tour finally progresses from the Old Shop, where you gain insights into the Krispel's family history, to the sample tasting in the "Gustorium", the tour becomes an "experience for all senses"!
Take your time to explore this singular gourmet world. At every tour stop, you can scan QR codes with a tablet, provided by the company or your own smartphone and learn a lot about the Krispel family, winemaking and storage as well as the famous Neusetz bacon. During the sample tasting in the "Gustorium", you have the possibility to experience the world of Krispel with your taste buds! Let's go to the "experience for all senses"!

The seal of quality was awarded on 1 July 2015.


Experience tours:

  • from March to April and November to Decemeber from Thursday to Saturday from 10am to noon and 2pm to 6pm
  • from May to October from Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to noon and 2pm and 6pm
  • closed from 12 to 19 Juy, on 1 November as well as from 20 December to March 2016
  • car and bus parking available

Adventurer tour:

  • individual tour with tablest wihtout tour guide (free tablet rental; valid ID necessary)
  • bookable during opening hours 
  • children up to 10 years of age: free admission / 11-17 years of age & students with student ID: € 2.50 / from 18 years of age: € 4.00
  • "SchWEINerei" wine & wooly pig tasting: € 4.00

Gourmet tour:

  • tour with tour guide (1 hour)
  • bookable by appointment during the opening hours (min. 10 persons)
  • children up to 10 years of age: free admission / 11-17 years of age & students with student ID: € 6.00 / ab 18 Jahre: € 8.50
  • group rate from 20 persons: € 7.50
  • flat rate for small groups (under 10 persons): € 80,00
  • tasting of the "B1 - the wine from the stone": € 2.50

Gourmet tour +:

  • tour with tour guide (2 hours)
  • bookable by appointment during the opening hours
  • including commented professional tasting of wine & wooly pig, bread and a variety of spread
  • children up to 10 year sof age: free admission / 11 - 17 years of age & students with student ID: € 12.00 / from 18 years of age: € 15.00
  • tasting of the "B1 - the wine from the stone": € 2.50



Experience tour

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