

Tour facts

  • German
  • 60 - 90 min.
  • max. 20 persons
  • children from 6 years of age
  • free admission up to 18 years of age
    € 3.00 for adults
  • partilly barrier-free
Tour buchen

About Holcim

Our Cement Centre

The Retznei Cement Works is over a century old and, with production of over 500,000 tons of cement a year, it is one of the largest in Austria. Holcim is justly proud of its careful use of resources and its partnerships with the local communal authorities. The cement experts erected a solvent plant in 2007, which together with the use of biogenic materials is helping to cut down on CO2 emissions. The re-naturalization of the quarry is being carried out together with the WWF. People in need in the region are being helped with money from the trust account of the “We are family” project.

From the stone to the sack

Helmets and safety jackets are essentials with us because our experience tour through the cement work is quite an adventure! Our Holcim visitors can watch our ball mill in action and also find out everything about our cement production and the powerful logistics behind it. As cement must be heated to 2,000 degrees in our kilns, we use new energy sources to save non-renewable fossil fuels - something which you will also witness on our tour.

The seal of quality was awarded on 25 June 2010.


Experience tours:

  • from April to November from Monday to Friday by appointment
  • a maximum of two groups at one time is possible
  • The entry fees are donated to the local Lafarge charity, “We are family”.
  • sturdy shoes must be worn!
  • car and bus parking available

Experience tour

Erleben Sie die Wirtschaft hautnah bei Holcim

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The seal of qualityGütesiegel
A project ofcis
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