
Tour facts
- German
- 60 - 90 min.
- 5 - 25 persons
- children from 10 years of age
- free admission
- partially barrier-free
About Mosdorfer
An electrifying experience in leading position
The forging and metal processing business has been carried out under the name of Mosdorfer for more than 300 years. Over the last 65 years, the company headquartered in Weiz has specialized in the manufacturing of fittings and damping systems for high-voltage overhead transmission lines. Hightech simulation assures safe prototype development and enormous cost savings in the production of high-quality ISO 9001 normed fittings for overhead transmission lines in a range of up to 1,200 kV. This innovative enterprise has so far taken care of over a thousand successful projects worldwide. Mosdorfer has branches and subsidiaries in Thailand, India, the USA and Europe.
Products for overhead transmission lines are not something we see every day. This tour brings them down to the ground from their usual place at giddy heights and presents the manufacturing process from the raw material to the finished product. It is impressive to see these apparently tiny parts scarcely visible at all from the ground, turn out to be over a metre high once they are brought down from the transmission line. The visitors see exhibits in various stages of production and watch a 2,200 ton forging line in action – a complete close-up on high-tech forging.
The seal of quality was awarded on 25 April 2012.
Experience tour:
- Monday to Thursday at 9 am and 3 pm and also by appointment
- optional: special tour through the blade smithy museum “The Klingenschmiede” + 45 min.
- sturdy shoes must be worn!
- car and bus parking available