Sandvik Mining and Construction


Tour facts

  • English & German
  • 75 min.
  • 2 - 15 persons
  • visitors from 14 years of age
  • free admission
  • partially barrier-free
Tour buchen

About Sandvik Mining and Construction

Mechanical cutting through rock deep underground

For 160 years, Sandvik has been the expert for powerful underground mining and construction tunnelling tools at its Zeltweg location. The engineers in the mechanical
cutting competence centre have for example developed the 245 ton, 15 metres long and 2,000 HP “Borer Miner MF 420” for mining use – it is the biggest mining machine ever built in Austria. The company exports an astonishing 97 % of its output. Continuous research,
development and an excellent working climate are top priority at Sandvik. The nearby University of Mining in Leoben and the Technical University of Graz are its research partners.

The hidden force

A customer arrives at Sandvik with a rock sample. It is analysed and categorized. What machine can be used for this type of rock? What products and tools are needed to force a way through granite, gneiss and similarly hard rock? Our visitors discover everything about the “hidden force” we operate deep underground in the course of our experience tour. They find out about our long company history and our development to the high-tech production location of today in Zeltweg, together with a great deal of fascinating information about the geological aspects of rock that are so important for our work.

The seal of quality was awarded on 17 June 2011.


Experience tour:

  • by appointment
  • sturdy shoes must be worn!
  • car and bus parking available

Experience tour

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