Saubermacher ThermoTeam


Tour facts

  • German
  • 60 min.
  • 2 – 20 persons
  • children from 10 years of age
  • voluntary donation
  • partially barrier-free
Tour buchen

About Saubermacher ThermoTeam

For an environment worth living in

For more than 35 years, Saubermacher has been working on new solutions and strategies to optimise waste management and disposal. The company’s latest guiding principle of Zero Waste aims to process and make all waste recyclable. Their goal is to find solutions for material recycling or thermal utilization for all waste streams to avoid waste ending up in landfills. This way, the a high percentage of the starting product or material can be returned to the production cycle, and the impact of the waste on the environment can be reduced.

Over 41,600 industrial and commercial companies and 1,600 municipalities put their trust in Saubermacher’s certified quality, which includes certification to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 – Saubermacher offers.

Provision and treatment of substitute fuels

ThermoTeam is a joint-venture enterprise of Saubermacher Dienstleistungs AG and Holcim (Österreich) GmbH, with the main business objective of providing and treating substitute fuels. The production plant in Retznei treats waste materials with a high calorific value as a high quality conditioned substitute fuel (so called CSF) for the cement industry. The aim of ThermoTeam is to do without fossil fuels such as imported coal in the medium term by utilizing CSF, to make an important contribution to reducing CO2-emissions.

The seal of qualiyt was awared on 26 September 2012.


Experience tours:

  • Every Wednesday between 8 am and 3 pm by appointment
  • max. 20 persons
  • Car and bus parking available
  • We politely ask our visitors for a voluntary donation for "Helping Hands", our charity for employees in need.

Experience tour

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